Pressure Seal Valves

Leakage-Resistant Pressure Seal Valves

Pressure seal rings are placed within the interior diameter of our pressure seal valves. The ring further prevents leakages from occurring while the valve is exposed to intense pressure, making the valve suitable for refineries, power generation and chemical producers.


All of DomBor’s pressure seal valves are made from high-grade raw materials that have been processed to meet our strict standards. Each of our industrial molds is manufactured through our world-class QC system, ensuring that each of them surpasses your expectations.

The Lowest-Cost Strategy Is To Choose Reliable DomBor Valves.

DomBor Valve, with its experienced specialists, specializes in manufacturing industrial valves and provides technical support and one-stop solutions for the global market.

Pressure Seal Valves Collection

The pressure seal is a design concept of the valve. This particular design helps provide several advantages to the applications compared to the conventional bolted body-to-bonnet sealing mechanism. We manufacture and export one of the choicest pressure seal valves to ensure the industries obtain maximum advantages.


This type of construction is adopted for the valves to enable services of high pressure. It ensures that they have the maximum benefits when applied in the industry. The pressure seal valve design has a unique feature: the body bonnet joint seals enhance with an increase in the valve’s internal pressure.

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Structure of the Pressure Seal Valve Design

The mechanism of this particular valve is a bit complex, and the mechanical device is manufactured by assembling several different components. It has a segmental thrust ring that helps absorb the thrust applied with the help of internal pressure. It also has a protective ring made of hardened stainless steel, and it helps prevent the deformation of the top surface of the soft steel.


It also has a high-density graphite gasket that is the critical component of the entire valve. The best part about this gasket is that it can be conveniently removed without damaging the sealing surface of the body. Pressure seal valve designs are available in several different kinds of valves, and as per requirements, they have different applications. The gate, check, and globe valves are the crucial valves that make industrial application easy and convenient to the extent possible.

Why do you need a pressure seal valve?

When you use a pressure seal valve, it offers numerous distinct advantages compared to the traditional options that include the body to bonnet sealing mechanism. The valve system pressure is employed to offer sufficient forces against the internal diameter of the valve.

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