Chemical Processing

DomBor Valve

Valve Solutions for the Chemical Processing Industry

The chemical industry handles a wide range of products: natural gas, food ingredients, adhesives, and alcohol. Pollutant emissions are the primary concern during the manufacturing process of various products since they have, a significant impact on the surrounding environment and community health. Addressing these concerns involves strict management requirements such as measures to bring down emissions.


DomBor valves provide a solution to the reduction of emissions and leakages for chemical processing businesses. Each of our valves has passed strict environmental protection requirements such as the EU TALuft, ISO15848, and SHELL 77/312 standards. Moreover, DomBor Valve staff works closely with you in finding optimized valve solutions that address your requirements.

Why Choose DomBor Valve in Chemical Processing Applications

The Lowest-Cost Strategy Is To Choose Reliable DomBor Valves.

DomBor Valve, with its experienced specialists, specializes in manufacturing industrial valves and provides technical support and one-stop solutions for the global market.

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Generating high-quality valve solutions requires a deep insight into market needs. DomBor Valve, as a reliable valve manufacturer, relies on a trusted supply network, the latest production, and assembly machinery, along with digital design capabilities and 20 years of industry experience.

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