Y Pattern Globe Valves

High-Performance Y-Pattern Globe Valves

Y-pattern globe valves feature the stem at a 45° angle, tear and minimizing stem wear and minimizing the risk of galling. Suitable for chemical, oil and gas, and power generation industries, they increase the production rate due to their reduced torque, resulting in low friction coefficient and service uptime.


DomBor’s custom Y-pattern globe valves are manufactured in adherence to global specifications for pressure and temperature regulation. Seeking innovative ways to improve your brand, our engineers apply our concept to your products, ensuring they meet your target market’s demands.

The Lowest-Cost Strategy Is To Choose Reliable DomBor Valves.

DomBor Valve, with its experienced specialists, specializes in manufacturing industrial valves and provides technical support and one-stop solutions for the global market.

Y Pattern Globe Valves Collection

A Y pattern globe valve is created to decrease the flow resistance of the globe valve to a minimum rate. The seat and stem of a Y pattern valve are at an angle of 45°, allowing the straightener flow-path to open completely. This type of globe valve is ideal for some critical industries, like chemical, power generation, and oil and gas.


A Y pattern globe valve enables industries to boost their production rates, reducing the torque. The Y pattern globe valve is constructed to maximize flow capacity and minimize leakage in high-pressure and high-temperature applications. Y pattern globe valves are available in the case and forget configuration.


Y pattern globe valves have multiple advantages. The valves are equipped with a bolted-bonnet design, ensuring better maintenance. It provides super performance while ensuring product durability 


Dombo offers standard quality Y pattern globe valves manufactured in adherence to world standards for superior temperature and pressure control. Our industry-made products are well-qualified to compete in the world globe valve market. If you would like to promote your brand of globe valves, contact us. Our skilled engineers are ready to apply their concepts in manufacturing your products.

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Why do you need a Y Pattern Globe Valve?

A Y pattern globe valve uses custom flow paths to reduce flow direction changes as well as pressure drop. Its rigid body structure minimizes product leakage. To resist the flow of fluid in pipelines, you must have this category of valves. In addition, it provides excellent performance. The customized design of the valves ensures good maintenance. Y pattern globe valves are eligible to meet the requirements of the consumers.

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