Gate Valves

DomBor Valve

High-Efficiency Gate Valves

An ideal component for giving flow logic to pipelines, gate valves permit or stop a medium’s flow to a specific location. The threaded operation of the gate makes it suitable for different applications and can work with liquid or gaseous media.


A premier source of custom gate valves since 2001, DomBor’s robust management system and streamlined production prowess guarantee high-quality gate valves with short lead times. Gate valves are personalized to match your market’s specific demands, giving you the distinct edge over your peers.

Product Features


Gate Valves

Featuring two inclined seats along with a matched inclined gate, our wedge gate valves are best suited for minimizing vibration in selected media.

Perfect for media with pipeline application, slab gate valves offer a smooth transfer of medium with minimal resistance or pressure loss.

Designed with a sharpened edge to break heavy liquid medium, knife gate valves from DomBar are easy to set up and actuate.

Equipped with a rubber surface for adsorbing impurities, our resilient seated gate valves boast longer service life and tighter seals.

High-quality stainless steel material provides the gate valves added protection from corrosion brought by various liquid media, guaranteeing better performance.

The Lowest-Cost Strategy Is To Choose Reliable DomBor Valves.

DomBor Valve, with its experienced specialists, specializes in manufacturing industrial valves and provides technical support and one-stop solutions for the global market.

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